One of the other clan captains tells him that being "Terada's little pet" does not give him the right to talk like that.

One of them says "We're not just money-grubbing thugs like the Omi!"Īt this point, Uematsu gets out of his chair and says that the only reason they are complaining is because they cannot make decent profits. They accuse him of trying to bring the ways of his former employers at the Omi Alliance to the Tojo Clan. A number of patriarchs lament to chairman Terada about this. This is because they have risen quickly up the family rankings due to their shady business practises.

Two new patriarchs, Akinobu Uematsu and Kei Ibuchi, are ruffling the feathers of the old guard. The clan patriarchs are gathered for a meeting at Tojo Clan HQ to determine the next captain, and hear about Terada's "Tojo Clan Reformation Plan." After Yukio Terada is inducted as the Tojo Clan's fifth chairman, his seat as Clan Captain ( waka-gashira) lies empty. Yakuza: Kiwami is due out for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 in Japan on January 21, 2016, and will include a Yakuza 6 demo download code.The chapter starts on the 17th of February 2006, eight months before the events of Yakuza Kiwami 2. If you missed it, you can see the “Majima Anywhere” system in action in a new trailer released last week. If you meet certain conditions, you can also learn one of Majima’s special moves as a Heat Action. Through this battle style, in addition to Kiryu’s “Thug,” “Damage Shop,” and “Rush” fighting styles, you can rise to further heights. Through the “Majima Anywhere” system, you’ll battle against many Majimas, and Kiryu’s strongest battle style, “the Dragon of the Dojima,” will be unleashed. From the balanced “Fight Master,” the grand hitting “Slugger,” and the continuous attacking “Dancer,” and even the “the Mad Dog of the Shimano,” you’ll face Majima in a variety of fashions. Like Kiryu, the elusive Majima has a variety of battle styles.

The reason for this is “to awaken Kiryu’s intuition, and to enjoy more fights.” Through Majima’s self-centered insanity, the city of Kamurocho is transformed into a city of moment’s notice madness. A new system, dubbed “Majima Anywhere,” allows Goro Majima to swoop in on Kazuma Kiryu anywhere in Kamurocho. In Yakuza: Kiwami, in order to gain back the strength he lost wasting away in prison for ten years, Kazuma Kiryu will use his keyman Majima Goro.